We teach Real World Training, from Real World Experience about being attacked in a civilian, security, military or law enforcement setting. Our aim is to pass on life saving skills and knowledge so that our students have the skill sets to survive.

The inception of Kinetic Solutions came about after observing a decline in operational expertise within the security industry, Law Enforcement and Military sectors  in South Africa and other countries, as well as the spread of unrealistic training being taught by instructors with little to no operational experience. Our mission is to provide up-to-date training based on real-world experience, by proven professionals with extensive operational backgrounds.

Kinetic Solutions’ CEO, Adrian Burrows, founded the company after over thirty years in military, law enforcement, and high-level private sector security operations, including twenty years in high-risk environments such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Ukraine. His experience spans twenty-five countries, with roles ranging from tactical training to leading a Presidential Security detail and serving as Close Protection Officer to the Ambassador of Japan to Iraq and other dignitaries. He has also been a Senior Personal Security Detail Team Leader for a US Department of State programme in Afghanistan and held senior management positions in US DoS and DoD programmes.

Adrian continues to conduct high-level security operations both nationally and internationally. He and our team of instructors also provide Tactical Training services to civilians, private companies, military, and law enforcement agencies. 
Gates of Babylon, Iraq
Gates of Babylon, Iraq
Crossed Swords, Baghdad, Iraq
Crossed Swords, Baghdad, Iraq
PSD Team, Baghdad, Iraq
PSD Team, Baghdad, Iraq
Tomb of Ahmad Shah Massoud, Panjshir Valley, Afghanistan
Tomb of Ahmad Shah Massoud, Panjshir Valley, Afghanistan
Soviet tank graveyard, Kabul, Afghanistan
Soviet tank graveyard, Kabul, Afghanistan
MRAP Mission, Camp Bastion, Helmand, Afghanistan
MRAP Mission, Camp Bastion, Helmand, Afghanistan
Hindu Kush Mountains
Hindu Kush Mountains
Mauritius NCG Martime Interdiction Team
Mauritius NCG Martime Interdiction Team
Mauritius NCG Martime Interdiction Team
Mauritius NCG Martime Interdiction Team
Presidential Protection, Madagascar
Presidential Protection, Madagascar
Botswana Defence Force
Botswana Defence Force
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