Defensive Carbine focuses on the most basic elements of carbine shooting in a defensive environment and builds a strong foundation for further development. Covering content ranging from rifle setup, equipment, stances, positions, stoppages, sighting, offsets, malfunctions and more, the isolation and understanding of these principles and procedures provides the student with all the elemental aspects of defensive carbine use, as well as the ability to self diagnose their performance and problems without the constant presence of an instructor. Defensive Carbine sets the bar for entry into Tactical Carbine Training, where individuals can learn top apply more advanced tactical principles into the defensive carbine repertoire..
DURATION: 8 hrs or 12 Hrs with optional night shoot
Minimum Gear Requirements
Carbine with single or 2 point sling
WML for night shooting segment
At least 3 rifle magazines
250 rounds rifle or 300 if doing night shoot
1 magazine holder for rifle magazines (Mag Pouch)
Ear & Eye Protection
Appropriate Clothing for range
Food & drinks